Coach, Consultant, Explorer

Harness Your Personal Power

You hold the power within you to guide and create the life you desire. You just need to uncover the barriers that get in the way so that you can recognize and maximize your own personal power to live a life of purpose, vitality, and joy. Through knowledge, wisdom, and grace we can achieve harmony of the mind, body, and spirit, reconnect with our life’s purpose, and honor our truest authenticity.

The answers to life’s biggest questions don’t live outside of us.

Your Journey Begins Here

Lifestyle Coaching

Empowering individuals to call forth their brilliance by listening deeply, asking powerful questions, and through various tools and methodologies, helping to create a path for expression.


Bringing the benefits of coaching to the workplace, we build upon individual strengths and personal authenticity in order for each individual to more positively contribute to the overall goals of the organization.

ROAM Excursions

You will be transported (literally and metaphorically) to a place where you can enhance your ability to be more mindful of your external environment while being more conscious of the growth happening within.

Discover Coaching

Curious if coaching is right for you?

A Single Journey Coaching Session is a great way to test the waters. Together, during this 50 minute coaching session, we will discuss and explore a specific issue or topic of your choice, and work towards relief, insight, and perspective.

What My Clients Say

Latest Blog Posts

Rising from the Ashes

  Writing these days has been close to impossible.  How many emails and blogs have begun with something about how crazy these times are?  About

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The sneaky hijack

The sneaky hijack

How many times have you been going about your day, feeling fine, and then bam, something happens that throws you off your game? This kind

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