Rising from the Ashes


Writing these days has been close to impossible.  How many emails and blogs have begun with something about how crazy these times are?  About how unprecedented and frustrating it all is?  How to feel better and get through all of this?  Even for me, someone who has devoted a life to helping others feel better has been challenged to continue with words of wisdom in the face of the current circumstances on SO many levels.

2020 is a year few will forget

Daily, I have tried to find ways to remain positive and on course – not just for myself, but for my clients, my family, and my friends.  Hardly anyone has been spared the effects of the past year.  Admittedly, some days have not been easy.  Some days, I have nothing.  Like many others I know, some of the most simple things have become burdens that sometimes feel like I am being pushed over an edge.

One very small and seemingly insignificant example is around cooking.  For me, cooking used to be a source of comfort.  I could enjoy slowing down and taking the time to prepare a meal in a way that was almost meditative if I felt I needed a break from the hectic demands of life.  This simple act has now become a daily task that makes me feel frustrated and at times even angry.  Imagine?  Because I have heard this from so many people, I think you can understand what I’m talking about.

But I digress – I don’t really want to talk about how I have been negatively impacted by something that nearly every human being can relate to.  Usually, when faced with a challenge, when I can right myself and be present enough to see clearly, I ask the question “What can be done about this?”   Often times, the answer is closer than we realize!

Often times, the answer is closer than we realize!

We all understand symbols and feel the impact certain words have on our life.  Think Flags, hearts, doves, religious symbols… you get the idea.  We attached meaning to many symbols whether we are aware of this or not.  Transformation, growth, and overcoming challenges are topics I have always been wildly curious and passionate about. I have invested many years professionally (and personally) attempting to find ways to help others achieve positive outcomes in their own lives.  Changing my professional logo from the original well-served tree to the Phoenix might have been a premonition about the challenges the world was going to face.

The symbol of the Phoenix is the ultimate in overcoming challenges of the most extreme kind, and emerging from them with dignified power, strength, and energy!  

Isn’t that what we are all looking for?  We are cycling through a transformation right now, and although we are all in different phases, there IS going to produce new understandings and growth.  Where do you want to be on the other end of this? In the depths of despair, loss, isolation, lost income, and many, many, other life-altering changes, it is time to start looking forward regarding this subject and moving to the next level of lessons learned.

What exaggerates so much of this is the real (not perceived)  lack of control that most of us have regarding the events we see and experience unfolding around us.  I talk a lot about control in terms of what is, and what is not in our control.  We might have taken some of our freedoms for granted in the past 10 months.  There might even be layers of frustration due to your political beliefs about how much control your government has over your life, (which is an entirely different blog), but at the end of the day – we are not being allowed to go about our lives in a way we would prefer and certainly would benefit most of us, and on that front, there is not a lot we can do about it… for today  So, the big question:

What DO we do about it?

That is a question I have asked my entire life when faced with a challenge.  Let’s start to look forward, and let’s start to think about the positive changes that can be coming our way.  Grab your journal!

Ideas to start moving forward:

  • First, it never does anyone any good to deny the place they are in today.  Take a look over the past months/year and acknowledge how crappy and life-changing it HAS been. Get it out there- write it, say it, breath it out.
  • Next, make a list of all things you DO have to be grateful for.  This exercise cannot be understated.  I am confident of my audience and feel sure that collectively, we can be thankful for some of the unexpected gifts we might have received.  Sharing more time with family, working from home, doing things we hadn’t had time for previously, etc… you get the idea.
  • Then, take a hard look at what you might have learned about yourself, your values, and future desires.  If we are breathing and alive, we respond to what is happening in front of us, in real-time.  What has that looked like for you?
  • Finally…plan, plan, plan. Before we hit that magical date of January 1st, start to give some serious consideration to the year ahead. Nothing helps you feel better and come out of a rut faster than having something to look forward to or taking action with a plan.  This is where you can take control of your life.

Transitions are a part of life

Life is fluid and time stands still for no one. Even in the midst of this world-altering event, it is time to start the process of picking up the pieces of our lives and moving forward.  It is time to start recognizing our personal power and what is possible for the future.  It is imperative that this happens.

Every season begins with new hope, it then fades into the next as it starts over again into something entirely different.

Caterpillars take up to 20 days to morph into beautiful butterflies

The powerful Phoenix goes through many lives and challenges and ALWAYS comes back stronger and wiser each time it is reborn.

Pick your symbol, set your course, and start the process of getting back to life – regardless of the circumstances around you.  There is always something you can change and improve upon.  There is always action you can take, and always a goal to set in order to maintain a balance and center for yourself.  One of my past blogs speaks to the issue of how it is never too late to make positive changes, regardless of external circumstances. Read here

This too shall pass; of that I am certain.  I am not a fan of the phrase being thrown around “new normal” because much of what is happening is unacceptable and should not be considered normal in any way.  However, we each have responsibility for ourselves, our actions, and our attitudes.  This requires attention and care.

As we move towards the end of 2020, look at it for what it was.  Don’t lose the lesson for yourself and what is possible for a great future.






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