Compassion in the Face of Fear

Compassion in the Face of Fear

As we head into the holidays, it is might be a good time to reflect a little on recent events in this country and on those who have been affected. Week after week as we turn on the news, we have watched stories of hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, fires, terror attacks, shootings – so much loss and suffering

Originally, I was going to expand on my last article on the topic of fear around strongly held beliefs and why it is sometimes difficult to make changes when fear stands in the way.  However, given the exposure to the recent news, it is clear to me that that the subject of fear is much larger in our everyday lives than just the fears we sometimes create for ourselves.

This blog is neither political or religious in nature.

It feels like a few things are happening at once:  first, it feels like an undercurrent of fear and anxiety is taking shape around us, and second, there is almost a numbing of the horrible tragedies.  The immensity of human suffering is profound and very real.  The need and call for help have been on-going for months.

As a licensed therapist, I have had the benefit of training in the area of “clinical detachment”, maintaining healthy boundaries, and learning skills on how to remain empathetic with trauma and suffering, without getting emotionally attached to the situation.  These skills take time to develop and need to be fostered continually.  Anyone working in a helping capacity knows what this means and why it is very important.  However, most people, not having had this kind of specific training, might be at a loss as who to be and how to feel in these very challenging times, witnessing so much suffering, loss, and sadness. In general, it is easy to feel helpless, scared and worried about the future.

If you believe in collective consciousness, then having a strategy to be empathetic while not losing yourself, will not only help yourself but will benefit those around you.  Finding a way to be a witness to the suffering, while keeping our vibration positive, can be quite a balancing act

Here are some points to help you feel empowered in your own way during these times:

  1. Be aware of your emotional threshold – the 24/7 news cycle can wreak havoc on your emotional state. Getting the news facts from legitimate news sources is definitely important, but take a break from the TV and internet!  The continuous loop of commentary and images can reinforce fear and wider spread anxiety about the situation.
  2. Come back to center: whatever your center is for you!  This can be spiritual or otherwise.  Find your place of peace, hope, and positivity.  Staying grounded in these times is essential.
  3. Take care of yourself: This is the piece that needs most attention at all times.  Remember the sometimes overused – “place your oxygen mask on first….?  Maintaining balance and perspective is more easily achieved when we are at our personal best, which might include:
    • Daily (almost) exercise
    • Proper nutrition
    • Some kind mindfulness practice
    • A daily dose of personal development
  4. Find a meaningful way to give:  We have all heard the stories of people taking advantage of these tragedies by starting fundraising efforts that are bogus and don’t serve the people who are most in need. Below is a link that might be helpful when decided what or how to give.  Giving is also a very good way to feel like you have some control over what is happening in the world, instead of feeling like a helpless bystander.

As we head into the holidays we sometimes can get overwhelmed with the increased to-do list and activities.  Help yourself, by helping others and keep things in perspective.

The bottom line is that the more positive action we take, the better off we will be when dealing with our own fear, stress and difficult situations.  This is true on a personal level, as well as on a national level.

If you are having trouble finding your center or feeling that an opportunity to discuss your emotions, fears or ways to create strategies for making a change in life right now would be helpful, please reach out.  I meet with clients in person, phone or Skype.

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