Do What You Can


Personal Development | Jean McCutcheonWe all have a daily To Do List which is often large.  On top of the daily chores, many of us concurrently maintain ‘self-improvement lists’ which can get lost or seem impossible to keep up with in our daily management of tasks.

There are days when we feel right on target, and accomplishment appears effortless.

Other days, well…

There is a well-known quote by Alfred Einstein I keep on my board in front of my desk,  “Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving”

I feel certain that you know what it feels like to juggle the MANY roles, obligations, and tasks.  Squeezing time for personal development can seem like a luxury line item.

“Do what you can” comes in most handy here.  In fact, that is really all any of us can do on most days.  This does not always mean, “do everything you can”, everyday.  It means, chunk it down.  Having To Do Lists are very helpful for many reasons, (one important one for me is that I can barely remember anything these days).

Keeping a list of things that need to be done daily, weekly, etc. helps to keep organized and thoughtful about achieving goals or simply getting things done.


What is most important to remember is when you feel paralyzed or overwhelmed, go to your list, and ask, what can I do?

Even the completion of the smallest items on your To Do List can help start the momentum of forward movement, and provide a great sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.


Even if you didn’t hit your goal of running 15 miles for week (or doing a plank for one minute each day), but you gave your FULL attention to a loved one for 15-30 minutes, you have kept the ball rolling on your personal development plan, and increased your ‘mindfulness muscle’ in a big way.

Assignment:  Look at your list, (or spend five minutes and create one, try Evernote or the back of an envelope), and see what CAN be done today!

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